Employee relations

Dealing with staff issues can be time-consuming and frustrating, particularly if you feel out of your depth, perhaps without a clear understanding of the procedure you should be following and whether you are acting in line with employment legislation. However, there are steps you can take to ensure any issues that do arise can be dealt with as fairly and as transparently as possible. Top of the list is ensuring that you have an up-to-date disciplinary and grievance policy and procedure.

Introducing a policy is as much about the communication and training as the content. So although it may be tempting to leave the policy hidden away somewhere on a shared drive it will pay dividends to ensure line managers are aware of the policy and how to follow it.

On the flip side, if your managers are coached to effectively manage performance and foster good employee relations you should avoid the need to go down a disciplinary route or go through endless grievance procedures with disgruntled staff.

That said, there are a few basics that it’s helpful to let managers understand:

  • The difference between managing performance and a disciplinary matter
  • How conduct and capability matters differ
  • Preventative steps to take before an issue goes to disciplinary
  • Managing constructive feedback without triggering a grievance
  • The legal consequences of disputes

How can we help you?
We can help create a disciplinary and grievance policy that’s fit for purpose for your business.

We can also assist with the communication and training on the relevant policy to line managers and key members of staff.

And in situations where a disciplinary or grievance hearing is inevitable we can help with managing the process fairly, in line with policy as well as minimising any employment tribunal risks. Sometimes we are asked to attend meetings as an independent witness and often we provide an objective ear or a second opinion on complex employee relations matters. Whatever your dilemma – whether policy, training, or specific advice on a live issue – we’re here to help.


Our thanks to Ruth for writing this page.

For a no-obligation discussion about how our employee relations support services could help your organisation, please just give us a call on 01582 463462 and we’ll happily put you in touch with a consultant, so that you can discuss it directly with them.